Welcome to the somatic variant database

This is a database of somatic variants of unknown significance (VUS) identified by targeted NGS. Its purpose is to share annotations made at the local level nationwide and thus contribute to improving their classification.


1. Design a database system for storing variants, annotations and critical clinical data.

2. Create connectors to send laboratories' data to the database.

3. Provide support tools for biological and clinical interpretation of variants to allow their classification.

4. Provide an organizational model for the governance of the database as well as for its curation.

Variants' classification

Classification of the variants' biological impact

This classification should help classify all variants based on their impact on the function of the protein. This annotation should be specific to each variant, regardless of the clinical context in which it was found.

Classification of the variants' clinical consequences

When possible, it will be necessary to indicate the clinical consequence of a variant, whether it is prognostic, diagnostic or predictive. This classification will focus on a "variant/type of cancer" couple. Since one variant can have several meanings (predictive and prognostic for example), it must be attached to several annotations.



Logo AMU

Logo Institut Gustave Roussy

Logo AstraZeneca


Logo Gen&Tiss

Logo Association GBMHM